Since the 1950s avant-garde lit mag, Merlin, made Beckett and The Paris Review took off on its 50-year venture, independent literary journals have continued to pop up... With at least eight magazines active today, Paris present expat writing community carries on the tradition.
Double Change Out to reunite the poetries of France and America through a multifaceted, e-forum Double Change is a bilingual, bi-national ezine that features poems, interviews, reviews and all kinds of dialogues in conjunction with their Paris / New York based reading series, email:, website:
Van Goghs Ear Featuring established poets as well as a rising generation of up-and-coming wordsmiths, Van Goghs Ear is a new submodernist journal emerging this Spring on the international zine scene. email: (first issue out this month)
Frank An International Journal of Contemporary Writing and Art. Founded in 1983 by writer/editor David Applefield, Frank is a book-length periodical that has published in the past such literary bigwigs as Henri Michaux, Charles Bukowski and William Styron, alongside emerging authors, plus impressive interviews and foreign dossiers highlighting translated prose and poetry from around the world. 32 rue Edouard Vaillant 93100 Montreuil, tel: 01 48 59 66 58, email:, website:
Kilometer Zero Started two years ago out of George Whitmans Shakespeare and Company, Kilometer Zero has since become a rather hip, broad-reaching magazine and association that features visual artists, writers and musicians in both print and party-induced, public-venue forums. 51 rue Chateaudun, 9e, tel: 01 48 78 67 57, website:
Lieu An architecturally-minded magazine and ezine through which artists, photographers and writers explore the ideas of place and inhabited space. 174 rue de Crimée, 19e, email:, website:
Upstairs at Duroc Edited by poet Jennifer Dick and run by volunteers of the WICE creative writing program, Upstairs at Duroc is a biannual literary and arts review that promotes English-language writing from Paris and beyond. c/o Wice, 20 bd du Montparnasse, 15e, tel: 01 45 66 75 50, email:, website:
Pharos In association with the British Institute, the Pharos writing workshop which translates to lighthouse in Greek was created as a biannual literary journal in 1994 by American poet Alice Notley and her late husband, the British poet, Douglas Oliver. The British Institute, 11 rue de Constantine, 7e
Paris/Atlantic Published by American University of Paris students, Paris/Atlantic is a bi-annual collection of creative work showcasing poetry, prose, artwork and photography that was started in 1982 by writer/professor Michael Lynch. 31 av Bosquet, 7e, email: