City-lit Paris

What is the best way to get under the skin of a city such as Paris?  Heather Reyes, editor  of a new anthology of writing on the city, says it is through reading what people have had to say about it.

Paris is one of the most written about cities of the world. “There’s enough good writing for at least six anthologies,” says Reyes,..”I hope readers will find plenty to fall in love with in our word-portrait of this most alluring and complex of cities.”

This innovative guide takes us from Marcel Proust on that perfect erotic moment to Gertrude Stein on the origins of the croissant to Agnès Catherine Poirier on the lure of the Paris café stopping along the way to ponder Julian Barnes meditations on how life begins in Paris.  “Threre really is some amazing writing on Paris – fiction, non-ficiton, popular and literary, past and present- on the city… We wanted to reflect the complexities and excitement of Paris today, which is why we’ve included bloggers and new young writers. We also have a new weblog for Paris enthusiasts to talk about and discuss their favourite city reading and writing.”

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