The Centre Pompidou is showing photographs by David Goldblatt, who has chronicled South Africa and its people from the 1950s until today. The exhibition (until May 13, 2018) begins with his early 1960’s photos of “Afrikaner” famers and the mining world. His images provide insights into the troubled history of South Africa while inviting us to look at buildings and landscapes as indicators of the values of a society.
In addition to the photographer’s early work the exhibition includes his “Structures” series, a photographic cycle extending over 35 years. Each group of photos is prefaced by a recent image reflecting the photographer’s lasting commitment to his subjects. Goldblatt says « I regard myself as an unlicensed, self-appointed observer and critic of South African society which I continue to explore with the camera »
David Goldblatt, May 13, 2018, Centre Pompidou