Art meets science meets technology with the huge “On Air” exhibition —devoted to a selection of major works by Argentinian artist Tomas Saraceno— at Paris’ Palais de Tokyo (until Jan 06, 2019). The exhibition has been described as an ecosystem in motion hosting a polyphonic choreography between humans and non-humans. From jamming with spiders to walking on air, Saraceno’s immersive installations challenge viewers’ to consider such improbabilities as spiders playing music and cities floating in the air.
Since 2008, Saraceno has conducted research in his Berlin studio into the woven habitats of spiders. For this exhibition a display titled “Webs of At-tent(s)ion” greets visitors with 76 hybrid spider/webs’ sculptures interwoven by different spider species where individual threads and sensory worlds combine to form a floating landscape.
Saraceno previously exhibited his “Aerocene,” project in Paris at the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference. A version of Aerocene is part of the current exhibition which the artist describes as “an international and multi-disciplinary community aimed at inventing new ways of being in the air, free from borders, free from fossil fuels.” This space hosts workshops throughout the exhibition with do-it-yourself and do-it-together projects… asking visitors to ponder “what would it feel like to breathe in a post fossil fuel era?
“On Air,” to Jan 06, 2019, Palais de Tokyo, Paris 75116