Wilting Point Photos

William Daniels’ color documentary photographs are featured with the exhibition “Wilting Point” at the the Pavillon Carre de Baudouin in Paris’ 20th arrondissement (until April 11, 2019). Dainiels (born 1977) is a French Paris-based photojournalist working with National Geographic, Time Magazine, Le Monde and Polka. The exhibition includes recent photos from his Central African Republic series as well as photos taken in Kirghizistan, Bangladesh, Russia, Syria and a dizzying number of other troubled places.

Daniels’ photographs address social issues and life in communities on the verge of collapse… or at wilting ponts. Some of his previous photo projects have focused on tuberculosis, malaria, the earthquake in Haiti and Libya, where he covered the uprising against Gadhafi until the fall of Tripoli. His “Faded Tulips” series explores the fragility of post-Soviet democracy in Kyrgzstan. Says Daniels “It is an immersion in the daily life of a disenchanted people living amidst the ruins of their past and whose present is undermined by poverty, clannishness and chronic instability… an explosive mixture.”

William Daniels, “Wilting Point” to April 11, 2019, Pavillon Carrre de Baudouin, 121, rue de Menilmontant, 75020 Paris. Free admission.