French retirement homes

Excerpted from “Buying a Home in France ”
Image Traditionally, the French expect to care for elderly relatives within the family unit (indeed adults are legally obliged to provide for their parents in old age, according to their means), so retirement homes (résidence pour retraités/seniors) are less common than in many other Western countries, although they’re becoming more usual: there are now around 5,000 retirement homes. Continue reading “French retirement homes”

The French National Health System

France has an excellent, although expensive, national health system.  If you qualify for healthcare under the national health system, you and your family are entitled to subsidized or (in certain cases) free medical and dental treatment.  Benefits include general and specialist care, hospitalization, laboratory services, medicines, dental care, maternity care, appliances and transportation.  Those who don’t automatically qualify can contribute voluntarily or take out private health insurance. Continue reading “The French National Health System”