There are shows that are pure pleasure to watch, approaching their subject matter with sensitivity and insight and heightening a sense of beauty and even the sublime in their audience. “Une flûte enchantée” is certainly one of these. If high praise is familiar to Peter Brook, his latest work is particularly worthy of it. Continue reading “Peter Brook’s “Une flute enchantée””
Irina Brook’s “Temptête!” Lite

Shakespeare imagined many famous families but the odd foursome bound to its lonely island in “The Tempest” is not one of them. Between Ariel and Caliban, Miranda and Prospero, there are no few barriers to love or even friendship, beginning with the master-slave dynamic which colors their relations and which has come to define them in readings of the text over the last 50 years. Continue reading “Irina Brook’s “Temptête!” Lite”
Marcel Marceau Remembered

The world famous French mime Marcel Marceau died Saturday at the age of 84. In homage to “Mr Mime” we rerun an interview he gave to Molly Grogan and Parisvoice in 1997…
Last year, Marcel Marceau celebrated the 50th anniversary of his internationally known and loved character Bip and this year marks the 20th anniversary of his school, the Ecole Internationale de Mimodrame. On the occasion of these milestones, in an interview with The Voice, Marceau had much to say in fluent English on topics ranging from his training and early years as a mime to the influence of Charlie Chaplin on his work and his 300-performance-a-year schedule (never mind that he is 75 years old), both solo and with his Nouvelle Compagnie de Mime Marcel Marceau. Continue reading “Marcel Marceau Remembered”
Irina Brook
Love Is All You Need… In the eight years since she traded an acting career for a director’s seat, Irina Brook has signed productions of ten plays and three operas, winning six Molière awards, including Best New Female Talent (2000) and Best Director (2001). Continue reading “Irina Brook”