Half An Hour From Paris

Many guides claim to be for and by insiders, but this one truly is. Annabel Simms—living in Paris since 1991—delights in exploring the Paris countryside by train and sharing  ideas with her friends for discovering little-known travel gems. This summer she updated  the book with two new chapters including Brunoy and the Parc Saint-Cloud, while adding color photos and maps. Her previous book “An Hour From Paris” is a long-time favorite for both visitors and ex-pats.

With Siimms’ “Half An Hour From Paris” she sharpens the focus to day trips even closer to the French capital. Following the format of “An Hour from Paris,” and written with the same delight in off the beaten track treasures of the Ile de France, Simms presents 12 destinations easy to reach from central Paris, each with a carefully planned walk, ample meanderings through the cultural, historical and social milieu, comprehensive practical information and clear, detailed maps. It includes the essential historical context for each visit, specially-drawn local maps, original photos, helpful practical tips and a unique guide to using the excellent local train network.

More about Simms and her books: http://www.annabelsimms.com/half-an-hour-from-paris