“An Affirming Flame: Meditations on Life and Politics” is journalist Roger Cohen’s new book bringing together some of his best columns. The lengthy introductory essay —almost a mini-book in itself—is an insightful and somber reflection on the multi-interrelated crises urgently confronting America and the world today. Continue reading “Roger Cohen’s Meditations on Life and Politics”
Henri Cartier-Bresson…the other coronation

The Fondation Henri Cartier-Bresson in Paris is exhibiting Bresson’s photos of King George VI’s coronation in London on May 12, 1937. Having already spent several months working for the newly founded communist newspaper “Ce Soir,” Bresson was on site to cover the big event. First appearing in “Ce Soir,” the series was reprinted in the Communist Party’s monthly magazine “Regards.” bearing the title “Those Who Watched…” (to September 3rd, 2023). Continue reading “Henri Cartier-Bresson…the other coronation”
Sarah Bernhardt… a star is born
The “Sarah Bernhardt. Et la femme crea la star “ exhibition at the Petit Palais revisits the life and times of one of the first international celebrities (with photos, posters, paintings, costumes and memorabilia) marking the centenary of her death in 1923 (to August 27, 2023). Continue reading “Sarah Bernhardt… a star is born”
Espace Frans Krajcberg
Art meets nature in a hidden-away bucolic Montparnasse alley at the Espace Frans Krajcberg. The small exhibition space is Krajcberg’s former Paris art studio. It features work by the artist and temporary exhibitions by other artists dealing with environmental issues. Continue reading “Espace Frans Krajcberg”
Gutenberg at Paris’ BNF
The Bibliotheque Nationale de France (BNF) revisits Johannes Gutenberg’s discovery of movable-type printing with the exhibition “Imprimer! L’Europe de Gutenberg” (to July 16, 2023). Though not the first printing press, Gutenberg’s version was the first to spread across the world. Woodblock printing in China dates back to the 9th century and Korean bookmakers were printing with movable metal type a century before Gutenberg. Continue reading “Gutenberg at Paris’ BNF”
Anna-Eva Bergman Revisited

The Musée d’Art Moderne de Paris presents a major retrospective of work by Norwegian artist Anna-Eva Bergman (1909-1987, who lived in France with her husband Hans Hartung for many years. Her work marked a step forward for non-figurative painters and ranks with other great women artists such as Hilma af Klint, Georgia O’Keeffe and Sonia Delaunay (to July 16, 2023). Continue reading “Anna-Eva Bergman Revisited”
Thomas Demand… Stuttering History
Paris’ Jeu de Paume hosts “The Stutter of History,” a major retrospective of German photographer-sculptor Thomas Demand’s work (to May 28, 2023). The German-born artist who works in Berlin and Los Angeles, makes photographs of three-dimensional models that look like real images of rooms and other spaces. Continue reading “Thomas Demand… Stuttering History”
Ruby & Loulabelle’s Cannes Couch

The Festival de Cannes will soon be reported (May 16-27, 2023) by 4000 international journalists from around the planet. Among them is reporter Ruby Boukabou who is teaming up with Louise Prichard (of Loulabelle FrancoFiles podcast) to take you behind the scenes of the renowned film festival with stories, reels, interviews, news updates and more. Continue reading “Ruby & Loulabelle’s Cannes Couch”
French Like Moi
Scott Carpenter’s memoir “French Like Moi” revisits B.C Paris (before corona virus) with wit and humor. Carpenter, who teaches French literature at Minnesota’s Carleton College, tells a traveler’s tale that is both funny and full of cultural insights. His saga is sure to evoke a chuckle from anyone
who has spent some time in Paris. As the French might say, the book is… “très amusant.” Continue reading “French Like Moi”
The Art Lover’s Guide to Paris
A great book by veteran Paris reporter Ruby Boukabou — “The Art Lover’s Guide to Paris” — is a wonderful companion for a trip to Paris whether or not you are familiar with the city’s amazing art offerings. Continue reading “The Art Lover’s Guide to Paris “
France, An Adventure History
History adventure… an oxymoron? Well, maybe for those who have suffered through history classes in school with a bunch of boring facts and dates. But for Graham Robb, author of “France: An Adventure History,” revisiting bygones is a fascinating adventure full of surprises. Continue reading “France, An Adventure History”