Dear Conjunction Theatre Company has been bringing Parisian audiences the best in bilingual theater since 1991. During that time they have produced over 30 plays from Harold Pinter to Mike Leigh to Yasmina Reza.
“Bilingual theater is not easy,” says Les Clack .” We tried alternating performances with three nights of a play in English and then three in French. For that one needs to find just the right actors and play… We are now focusing on English language plays that sometimes include some French such as “More lives than just one.” where I do a segment from “Salomé, which was Oscar Wilde’s only play in French.”
With the success of its latest production it looks like Dear Conjunction has found the winning combination for performing bilinugal theater in Paris.
The Dear Conjunction Theatre Company presents “More Lives Than One: Oscar Wilde written and performed by Leslie Clack, directed by Patricia Kessler. (June 13, 2014). Centre Culturel Irlandais, 5 rue des Irlandais, 75005 Paris. http://www.centreculturelirlandais.com Tel : 01 58 52 10 30 email dearconjunction@orange.fr