Tastey poems about cheese

Colette once said “If I had a son that was about to marry, I would say to him: ‘beware of a young woman that does not like wine, truffles, cheese and music.” So what is a lover of cheese to do? Perhaps do as David Nutt and write a book of poems inspired by the topic.

“It all started,” says Nutt “with the mouse on a cheese icon.  After several years of writing a web  newsletter about traditional French cheese for http://www.fromage.com I came to the conclusion these remarkable French products deserved to enter the world stage in a more romantic light. So I decided to put together a book of poetry that pays homage to 30 of France’s most renowned cheeses.”

The new book of poems. which could be a fun gift for the holidays, includes illustrated recipes and tips about wine and cheese pairings along with a section on little known cheese facts.

“Tasting to Eternity, Traditional French Cheeses” by David Nutt  can be found  in Paris at such bookshops as Brentano’s, The Red Wheelbarrow and the Village Voice Bookstore or online at http://www.fromage.com

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