We’ll always have Paris. But if Bogart’s character in Casablanca came back to the city today he would be shocked to see some of the changes… par exemple the Eiffel Tower set off behind a three meter bullet proof transparent glass security wall. Continue reading “Eiffel Tower Behind Glass”
Paris Swedish Institute Celebrates Bergman

Ingmar Bergman (1918-2007) would have been 100 years old this year. To celebrate his centenary the Paris Institut Suédois pays homage to this iconic theater director and filmmaker with an exhibition in collaboration with the Ingmar Bergman Foundation and the Cinémathèque Française (to January 06, 2019). Continue reading “Paris Swedish Institute Celebrates Bergman”
Paris Exhibition Explores Data Visualization

With the Cambridge Analytica scandal one might not be in the mood for seeing an exhibition about visualizing data while visiting Paris, but the “123 data” exhibition at the Fondation EDF is a “smiley face” showing what creators are doing with data. The exhibition is both fun and informative while making the argument that data is not just a threat to our private lives and means to enrich powerful corporations, but also a source of inspiration for artists. Continue reading “Paris Exhibition Explores Data Visualization”
Roman Cieslewicz Retrospective

“I wanted to leave Poland to see how my posters would stand up to the neon light of the west. I dreamed of Paris.” Roman Cieslewicz (1930-1996) came to Paris in 1963 and quickly became one of France’s leading graphic artists. The Musée des Arts Décoratifs revisits this major figure in late 20th century graphic design with a retrospective Roman Cieslewicz, la fabrique des images (until Sept. 23, 2018).
Artist’s Jewelry, from Calder to Koons

“A piece of artist’s jewelry, like a painting or a piece of sculpture, is a work of art,” says Diane Venet whose private collection of artist’s jewelry along with loans from galleries and artists’ families is exhibited at Paris’ Musée des Arts Décoratifs (until July 8, 2018). From the early twentieth century studio artists such as Max Ernst, Pablo Picasso, Man Ray and Salvador Dali have made innovative jewelry reflecting contemporary art movements and themes. These artists used both precious and nontraditional materials creating one-of-a kind wearable works of art. Continue reading “Artist’s Jewelry, from Calder to Koons”
Make Love, Not Walls…

With France’s presidential elections coming soon and the American political debacle, Parisians are talking non stop politics. And then along comes a very unusual Diesel advertising campaign saying “Make Love Not Walls.” The video ad (with posters in the Paris metro) is a collaboration by photographer David LaChapelle and Diesel art director Nicola Formichetti. Continue reading “Make Love, Not Walls…”
Oscar Wilde at Petit Palais
“They say that when good Americans die” Oscar Wilde once said “they go to Paris…” Graffiti scribbled on Wilde’s tombstone in Pere Lachaise cemetery says “Here lies the greatest man who ever lived.” Maybe not the greatest as some of his fans think, but Wilde certainly was among the most clever. His aphorisms still bring a smile. For example about life he philosophized: “There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.” Continue reading “Oscar Wilde at Petit Palais”
Tea Time in Paris

Although Paris is known for its cafés it also has many cosy and elegant tearooms where you can pass an afternoon enjoying fine-quality tea with delicious cakes and pastries. While many people know about the city’s most famous tearooms such as the “Mariage Frères” and “Angelina’s,” there are also plenty of excellent lesser-known tearooms worth a visit. Here are some of our favorites: Continue reading “Tea Time in Paris”
Still Standing Tall
Did you hear the one about the lady who married the Eiffel Tower? No, really. Erika La Tour Eiffel had had other infatuations with objects, including Lance, the bow with which she became an archery champion, and the Berlin Wall. But, now in her late 30s, she tossed those over and promised to love, honor, and obey the tower in an intimate ceremony in Paris. She duly changed her name to reflect her marital status. A photo showed the smiling, comely newlywed hugging her riveted husband, who maintained a dignified reserve. Admittedly, said Erika, there is a bit of a problem in the marriage: “The issue of intimacy, or rather lack of it.” Continue reading “Still Standing Tall”
Woody Allen on Life and Filmmaking

Woody Allen’s film “Cassandra’s Dream” is a story of death and guilt set in contemporary London. It tells the tale of two brothers (Ewan McGregor, Colin Farrell) who while attempting to improve their miserable lives fall into dire straits with predictable unfortunate consequences. The film premiered at the Venice Film Festival where Woody Allen made the following comments.
Cara Black’s Paris Murders
Leafing through a book behind a pillar in the American Library in Paris, mystery writer Cara Black seemed herself a bit of a private investigator uncovering clues far from the prying eyes of the crowd. Moments later she would give a presentation on her inspiration, her research, and the development of her much-abused yet still youthful protagonist Aimée Leduc, the hero of her thirteen mystery novels all set in Paris. And from talking with Black about her craft, it becomes clear that she puts together books the way Aimee Leduc uncovers mysteries. Continue reading “Cara Black’s Paris Murders”